The air pollution in Delhi has been a constant topic in national & international media lately. With the city forced to declare a ‘public health emergency’ over air pollution, citizens have started waking up to the reality of our urban air quality. While discussing and pondering over the pollution in Delhi, have you ever thought of the quality of the air that we breathe in Bandra?! Recent findings from The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI) found out that respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) in Bandra is nearly twice the permissible limit of 60 micrograms per cubic meter (mpcm) set by the CPCB standards. Setting aside this debate on deteriorating ambient air quality, there have also been recent discussions on falling indoor air quality. Since it is not measured as often as ambient air quality, we are not aware of how grave the issue is.
Spider Plant Aloe Vera Plant Snake Plant
It is in this search of good air to breathe amidst the increasing pollution levels, many stumbled upon a friend of the human beings which has been used for centuries to purify the air. It’s none other than our flora. Plants, trees & greenery can indeed help us to combat air pollution. Even among plants, there are a few which can particularly improve air quality. Aloe Vera, Snake Plant (also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”) & Spider Plants are the best air purifiers that grow in the climate of Mumbai. Ficus, Bamboo Palm, Peace Lilly and Devil’s Ivy (also known as Money Plant) are also excellent air purifiers that can grow well in our homes.
So now you may be wondering where to find all these in a busy city like Mumbai and particularly in Bandra. In the heart of Bandra, we have three major plant nurseries to get the natural, inexpensive air purifiers. ‘Growbites’ is a spacious nursery along Chimbai road that a large collection of indoor plants & outdoor plants, particularly air purifying plants. There are spider plants, snake plants, Spanish moss and other epiphytes which start from Rs. 100-150. There are also flowering plants known for air purifying properties like Laceleaf (Anthurium) which is available at around Rs. 400 & above. ‘Jude’ Plant nursery (Floraland) at Pali Mala road is another destination in Bandra to purchase indoor plants. Their collection also starts at Rs.100 & there is a good collection of small potted plants for people struggling with garden space. Another plant nursery in the vicinity is ‘D-ert‘ at Rebello Road. The shop offers plants like Aloe Vera, Peace Lilly & Ribbon Plants in addition to other air purifying plants with prices starting at Rs. 100-200.
Now you know how to clean your indoor air & be part of the fight against pollution. Get green friends home & let our homes be healthier.