Burning Man installation 2022 – The Apocalypse is Breath-taking

Lekha Washington is the only Indian artist invited to Burning Man Festival. This year she will install her 20 - foot fire art piece titled ‘The Apocalypse is Breath-taking’.


Lekha Washington is the first Indian honoraria artist invited to Burning Man for the second time to set up a 20-foot fire art piece titled “The Apocalypse is Breath-taking.” She unveiled her art in Ranwar Village, Bandra, outside her studio. There were many locals and friends and family of the artist who were present at the unveiling of the installation. 

Lekha Washington commented – “This is something I’ve been working on for a long time. I’m so glad for everyone who helped me with this. I’ve got the most amazing and supportive team to help me with this installation. It has a WOW factor, and I want everyone to experience it. I named it ‘The Apocalypse is Breath-taking’, and it lives up to its premise. I can’t wait to set this up at Burning Man Festival with all the other artists.”

Lekha is a self-taught sculptor who had her first art show when she was only 18 years ​old. She has received different accolades since then, from The Dot Room to collaboration with Jean Francios Lessage to her debut show in New York to various similar projects, including being invited to Burning Man in 2018. She had then set up the Moondancer. She has once again received the honoraria grant and is now returning with this installation.

The Burning Man Festival is a globally acclaimed event and it takes place once a year in the USA in Black Rock, Nevada. It is an event focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance which will be held from 28th August to 5th September this year.

In 2019, 78,850 people attended the event. Even last year, an estimated 20,000 people attended the unofficial celebration. The festival will bring together artists and people from all around the world along with other celebrated artists.