Clashes between Fisherfolk communities halt the jetty project at Chimbai


Personal differences and internal clashes between communities of the fisherfolks at Chimbai beach, Bandra west have halted the construction of a boat parking yard for a jetty and 3 boat parking dhakkas. Fisherfolks from the Chimbai East Indian Koli Samaj are facing difficulties in daily fishing activities with no jetty and parking yard as around 30 people residing at Chimbai have opposed the jetty project. On the other hand, the opposing parties claim the project will lead to the breaking of rocks ultimately resulting in flooding homes.

How did it all begin?
Chimbai, a well-known beach which connects Carter Road waters to Bandstand, is home to over 1,500 families who mostly depend on fishing to earn their living. In 2008, the active fisherfolks approached the State Fisheries Department to make a society. Davin Candoria (Vice President) & Mr Raymond Quadros (President of the Chimbai Eastindian Koli Samaj), said, “The government was giving a jetty as an obligatory once there was an established fishing society. So, we collected all the required documents to make a society, the government got all necessary permissions and approvals and achieved recognition as a fishing society, which is complete and the registration number is about to be given yet by fishery department.”

What is a jetty? How does it help fishing?
Jetty is a long ramp made in koliwadas across India specially for fishermen. It is a walkway from the shoreline up till the sea where boats are floating and parked in the water. To go and come with a boat owners need to walk and bring and take goods, fish, ice, net and for transportation of goods, equipment’s, fishing nets, oars, fuel, oil, passengers and fish. Fisherfolks at Chimbai got three dhakkas and one jetty approved for the three communities existing at Chimbai mainly Katyawadi Kolis, Maharashtrian Kolis and East Indian Koli Samaj.

Jetty project inaugurated but work not started yet
On August 31, 2019, the jetty project was inaugurated by Ashish Shelar, the MLA of Bandra, along with Fishery Minister and other government fishery officers and staff, and fisherfolks their families residing at Chimbai. But after the inauguration, there has been no construction work done as few families residing at Chimbai opposed the construction of the parking yard for the jetty.

The problem
Fisherfolks from the Koli Samaj revealed the difficulties they are facing in day to day fishing activities without a jetty & dhakka boat parking area. Plasy Koli, a fisherman and Joint Secretary of (Chimbai East Indian Koli Samaj Sanstha), said, “We are facing a tough time as we cannot unload our catch of fish, or carry equipment like nets, oars and fuel to our small boats without the jetty. We need the jetty as it simplifies our work and helps us to carry out fishing in an efficient way. Without the jetty, we have to carry huge fishing nets and equipment in small boats and do multiple rounds which are physically draining and a waste of time.”

Fisherfolks have questioned the stalling of work and delay in the project. Koli added, “There has been no work after the inauguration as some families opposed the project. Why did people not oppose before the inauguration? Why did the state inaugurate the project if they did want to carry on the work? Why give us hope and then do nothing about it!”

What do the opposition say?
Over 30 families have opposed the project citing various reasons. A resident who did not wish to be named, said, “The construction of the parking yard for the jetty will break rocks and affect the houses on shore. Also, the necessary permissions have not been obtained for this project.” But none of the family members opposing the project wished to be quoted in fact, when Bandra Buzz reached out and contacted them repeatedly they did not wish to share information or respond.

What does the Koli Samaj say?
Fisherfolks of the Koli Samaj claim people are opposing the project because they have personal issues and internal clashes. Plasy Koli – Joint Secretary said, “This project would not have been inaugurated in the first place by the state if we did not have all the necessary permissions. We have taken all the approvals.” Candoria added, “This project will not harm a single mangrove as we are constructing the parking yard far away from the mangrove zone.”

Damian Cabral (Joint Treasurer of Chimbai East Indian Koli Samaj Sanstha), another fisherman, said, “Most of us are continuing with fishing as a hobby more than a commercial business. But if we have the jetty service then we will be able to increase our catch and buy big boats, the opposing families have a problem with this. They are creating an obstacle because they have internal clashes within communities.”

Activists involved
The opposing families approached SagarShakti, the marine conservation division of the Vanashakti NGO. Stalin D, an activist of the NGO, said, “The Chimbai beach area falls under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ). The families say that breaking of natural rocks will lead to flooding in their homes and affect the breeding of marine life.”

Fisherfolks rubbish claims of activists
In response to the activists, fisherfolks of the Koli Samaj rubbished their claims. Mr Quadros said, “The activists have not even visited us or have no idea about the natural marine life and fisherfolk community. If the activists are so concerned about the environment they could have discussed the problem with our Koli Samaj Trust, because we have been living and fishing at Chimbai for decades. But we have had no dialogue with the activists. There will be no flooding because even if the rocks are broken there will be a parking yard (dhakka) which will stop the current of the sea, we have also approached the Harbour and Ports Division to guide us to give their suggestions for Tetrapod’s at a distance along Bandstand shoreline, the wave breakers will significantly cut the tide pressure, these Tetrapods are laid in koliwadas across Maharashtra and other states of India.”

“The state fisheries department appointed an architect, engineer and expert for this project who analysed the entire working module of the construction and the effects it will have, and only then did it give the approval for this project. Why would the state approve the project if it is going to harm or damage the environment?” questioned Mr William Uttankar, Secretary to Chimbai East Indian Koli Samaj Sanstha.

Currently, the jetty project and construction of the parking yard at Chimbai beach is on hold. Fisherfolks are awaiting the decision of the state and given their signatures and consent to build it.