Crown Vet brings onboard Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Madhuri Singh


Crown Vet the veterinary chain based out of our very own Mumbai, has brought on board at its flagship centre, orthopaedic surgeon and Emergency Specialist, Dr Madhuri Singh.

Dr Madhuri is a highly experienced veterinary surgeon having spent the last 7 years in high-end veterinary practices in New Zealand. She is an orthopaedic specialist and a certified emergency vet from Massey University New Zealand. She graduated top of her class from TANUVAS Chennai and is a passionate animal lover with a drive to bring better standards of care to India.

Why did you want to become a vet?
I became a vet by chance. I had initially considered medical school but I ended up scoring the first rank among girls at an all India level in the veterinary entrance test. That’s the moment I decided that it was my destiny to pursue this career. I loved animals as a child and this seemed like the right path for me.

You did your bachelor’s degree in India and then went on to New Zealand. How was that experience?
I was lucky enough to complete my veterinary degree at TANUVAS in Chennai. This university is famous for producing high-quality veterinary surgeons in India. Their training also helped me qualify for the NZNVE, which is the New Zealand veterinary entrance test in my very first attempt. When I consider the differences between India and New Zealand, we are still at a nascent stage. Veterinary care has a long way to go, however, company’s like Crown Vet and similar veterinary care providers are leading the way in introducing better standards in India. This is a very encouraging sign.

What has motivated you to return to India?
For me, the motivation originates from the pure emotion of being in India. I love India. I love the people. I love being in this country. I have served for over 7 years overseas and now it’s time to serve here at home. I am fortunate to have found a place to work where the whole team is working so hard to establish better practices and standards of care. This has made the transition back into India a lot easier.

What are your areas of interest/expertise?
Professionally I love dealing with complicated cases. They challenge me! I also love surgery. I have a post-graduate certificate in Orthopedic surgery from Massey University. I also perform various soft tissue surgeries. I am also passionate about emergency care and I spent the last 2 years in New Zealand working for a 24-hour centre that specialised in emergency care. I love socializing, and most importantly spending time with my family.

Appointments with Dr Madhuri may be booked by calling the Crown Vet reception at Mahalaxmi.
Call: 022-4971 7077
Email: [email protected]