Defining the Spirit of Bandra: Hype in the City


The newly opened skatepark at the Carter road promenade is called ‘Hype in the City’ and is an extraordinary avenue for budding skateboarders and X Games enthusiasts. Constructed during the lockdown, the realization of the outdoor space is the result of the concerted efforts of the local government and municipal administrations, Maharashtra Maritime Board, Bombay SB, The Bandra Collective, Homework Studio, Esportz & volunteers. The total area of the skatepark is 7200 sq ft, and its functionality not only includes a range of ramps and parabolas for practitioners but can also be utilised as an open-air amphitheatre.

The project is indeed a reflection of the evolving needs and pursuits of the residents of Mumbai. Aptly titled ‘Hype in the City’ the structure’s core consists of cement, however, the applied aesthetic brings it to life and imbibes it with a heightened degree of engagement with the user. If one were to imagine the progression of the skatepark’s construction in reverse, the journey would begin with the sight of volunteers who signed up to paint the stencilled sections. The creative direction of the established structure was the responsibility of Homework Studio’s founder, Sanskar Sawant. The artist’s proclivity for board games inspired him to create a larger than life arcade theme design for the skatepark.

He, in turn, was approached to take up the project by Bombay SB, a skateboarding community and makers of professional skateboards and X Game arenas. In all actuality, the skatepark, as an entity was the brainchild of Bombay SB & The Bandra Collective. The Bandra Collective comprises of like-minded individuals who intend to enhance the effectiveness of public spaces and have even consulted with the overall design for the re-vamped Carter road promenade. The group of architects and civil engineers along with Bombay SB’s, Altamash Sayed ensured that the technical aspect of the skatepark was in place. They were also responsible for procuring the required permissions from the authorities.

The skatepark when viewed from above is reminiscent of a fish owing to its tapering form, which is in some way is a poetic tribute to our coastal city. The construction and beautification of the skatepark speaks volumes of the prevalent culture in Mumbai, more specifically Bandra, and also validates the importance of maintaining and constantly updating the functionality of public spaces. With this skatepark ready to thrill the citizens of Mumbai, we sure do hope to see many more such initiatives come to fruition in the near future.

Pic Credit: Siddharth Chakraborty (Homework Studio)