Harish Borah selected for the ClimateForce Antarctica Expedition

“All climate reports, point to the massive carbon footprint of the building industry. It contributes to nearly 40% of all emissions that leads to Climate Change” - Harish Borah


Meet Harish who is engaged in ‘Climate Action and Solutions’ within the ‘Construction and Building Industry’ –  taking big strides in the field and having made a mark for himself in the global space with his unique body of work.

We had to bring it to you!

At its heart, his work involves helping investors (of the construction and building industry) gain financial confidence in sustainable design and construction while reducing the carbon footprint of their assets. 

He delivers nearly 90+ projects annually as a ‘Life Cycle Study Expert’ – splitting his time between projects in UK/EU & India.

Harish also serves as a member of India’s National Green Building Rating System GRIHA ‘Technical Advisor Committee’; and is regularly invited to deliver knowledge sharing sessions. Notably for TERI, GRIHA, Green Building Councils (in Kuwait & Sri Lanka), ISHRAE & various Universities.

A proactive individual, he is also increasingly dedicating more time to help young architects and engineers get a first-hand glimpse of the challenges to Climate Action within the Constitution & Building Industry and empowering them with tools and thinking frameworks, to be part of the solution. 

He carries out his work, with a small team at ‘OnePointFive Tribe’, to provide well-researched up-to-date programs on Climate Crises, Risks & Opportunities in the building industry – which aims to make Climate Action knowledge more accessible in academia and professional spaces.

Harish’s academic background shines on him too. He has completed the University of Cambridge (UK) ‘Business Sustainability Management’ Programme with top scores, besides holding a distinction for his Master degree in ‘Commercial Project Management’ from the University of Manchester (UK). He is a recipient of Ratan Tata Trust Grant (India), Hammond Trust Grant (UK) and student leader Award at the ‘Commonwealth Study Conference’, London amongst others. 

Earlier this year, based on his body of work Harish has been invited be to join the 2041 ClimateForce Antarctic Expedition. He is among the select group of Climate Action leaders, shortlisted from around the world, to further study, learn & understand the science & impact of climate change on our planet and find meaningful practical solutions.

As he heads out into the icy landscape of Antarctica. It’s only fair, we got to know him a little better! 

Why are we experiencing climate change? 

Climate Change is a result of excessive greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 mainly) that have been let out into our atmosphere, over the last few centuries since industrialisation. These gases trap more & more heat within the Earth system – warmer up the planet and hence causing significant changes in the climate. This excessive emission comes from none other than our modern society’s over-dependency on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) for all activities. Fossil fuels release these gases when burned. 

What can we do? Is there hope? 

Yes, there is hope! 

Meaningful action demands are that we reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, as our main goal – and switch to alternative renewable energy sources to carry out our activities. “Decarbonisation”, as it is known in popular media. 

To keep it simple, No Burning of Fossil Fuels, No Emissions. But achieving this is not as simple as it sounds; since our societies are glued to fossil fuels to power all kinds of human activities. 

To effectively decarbonise, we will need to undergo an overall systematic change in how the government, corporates & citizens behave and operate their day-to-day engagements and find alternatives (almost all of which already exist!). 

We will also have to protect and extend our green covers. They are an important part of the solution, as they suck back the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

Why is climate change an important conversation? 

Climate Change has a direct impact on humans and our planet.

The extreme weather events around the world (including here in Mumbai), that you are increasing notice, is part of the same climate de-stabilisation, that is underway. 

Also, the warming planet has resulted in the melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, which in turn has resulted in rising sea level – putting coastal human establishments and cities under threat. 

Why the building industry? Can we do anything? 

Like all things in the industrialized world, the building industry also heavily relies on fossil fuels. This includes activities involved in manufacturing, constructing, operating (powering up buildings) & their subsequent demolition. The emissions from the burning of fossil fuels to perform these activities contributes to 38% of all greenhouse gases. 

Yes, at its heart, the solution lies in taking the building industry furthest away from fossil fuels. 

This can be done by falling back on innovative/improved materials which lead to lesser emissions during manufacturing, than traditional cement, steel and glass – to name a few.

This can also be done by making our building energy-efficient and reducing its electricity consumption. This is particularly the case, since we as a country, continue to generate a large share of our electricity from coal (a fossil fuel) in a very emission driven process.

Tell us more about the ClimateForce Antarctic Expedition, you have been shortlisted for? 

It is a very important climate event. 

Every few years, a group of climate leaders, worldwide each with a unique body of work in ‘Climate Action’ is shortlisted and given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study the science and impact of climate change on our planet and develop practical solutions – from scientists and leaders working on-ground in Antarctica. 

To top it, the expedition is led by Robert Swan – who is not only a polar exploration legend but an inspiring climate action leader, himself. He is the first human to trek both the north and south poles.

How is the fundraising going on? 

Yes, I have been fundraising to meet expenses for my tickets, necessary insurances, gear and stay. The expenses are adding to Rs 17 lakhs! I have never raised funds before so I am learning as I go. It’s been quite a process. 

Ratna Pathak and Naseeruddin Shah have committed to contribute to the fund, for which I am forever grateful. 

But I am still short, so the fundraising continues. I hope to complete my fundraising and be able to go with leaders to the ClimateForce Antarctic Expedition.

As Harish sets out to make his mark on Antarctica this March 17 – 28, 2022, let’s come together and support him. 

Consider being a sponsor, contact Harish at +91-84867 74839. For more details on Harish Borah’s selection and fundraising effort, please visit – www.goingfarsouth.com