High five at the Bandra Fair


Rejoice! It’s Bandra Fair time once again (until Sunday, September 17). Traipsing through the lengths and curves of the fair one zeroed on five highlights that you just can’t miss this time around.

What’s a fair without amusements? But besides the usual Giant Wheel that takes you high in the air and drops you down to earth, what strikes you is the sight of a ride that’s known as Break Dance located in the September Garden compound. These seats for two (or three if you are slim enough!) takes you on a terrific trip, they turn round and round one way and another, slowly and then oscillating furiously, making you gasp for breath as you feel that thrill seeping through your system.

It’s quite a treat for something sweet at the fair. The sprinkling of sweet stalls at regular intervals is too irresistible. Halwas and much more are in store for you and, of course, there is that customary cardio-bodo.

Assorted pickles stare at you as you walk along the road and catch a glimpse of the gleaming pickles in huge jars. They are from Rajasthan and other States and you know you just have to have a bite of it. There is the pungent and the sweet and also a combination of both which go very well with your simple dal-rice lunch.

It’s a good food ride all the way starting from September Garden right to the foot of the steps leading to Mt Mary’s Church. There are snacks like hotdogs and vada-pau, also East Indian, Goan and Malvani fare. You stand and eat at most places though we discovered the kebabs and more place at the Pioneer Hall compound with tables and chairs to help you relax after your hectic walkaround the Bandra Fair.

It’s one long fashion street with clothes galore, for boys and girls, men and women, even children. You have a choice of plain or colourful shirts and pants, skirts and dresses, belts and shoes, even nighties and bras. Take you pick but, please note, bargaining is a must!