Updated list of Pharmacies, Doctors, Clinics & Hospitals in H/West ward
The H/West ward of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has updated the list of Pharmacies, Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics and Nursing Homes operational during the...
List of Pharmacies, Doctors, Clinics & Nursing Homes in H/West ward
The H/West ward of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has released a list of Pharmacies, Doctors, Clinics and Nursing Homes functional during the Coronavirus...
Online Food & Grocery Service Providers for H/West ward
The H/West ward of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has been continuously working to ensure citizens safety amid the pandemic to try and break...
St Peter’s & Mt Carmel Church set to live stream masses...
St Peter's Church and Mt. Camel's Church are all set to live stream masses during the Holy Week. Mount Mary's Basilica, St. Andrew Church,...
MCGM collaborates with Holy Family Hospital to run their new Quarantine...
In view of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) converted the building opp. Poddar School on S.V. Road...
Shops to remain open on Odd-Even dates at Bazaar Road in...
Vinayak Vispute, Assistant Commissioner H/west ward has directed all shop keepers at Bazar Road (from Boston Hotel on S.V. Road to Jain Mandir) excluding...
Connect N Care: Spreading cheers and solace in and around Bandra
The days of joint families have gone and with better incomes as well as changing lifestyles the youth mostly aspire to live independently. A...
Tête-à-tête with Chimbai’s talented bodybuilder Atik Khan aka Mr. Mumbai
“When the going gets tough, the tough get’s going”. I met a living testament of this proverb, Mr. Mumbai, whose journey to this title...
Are you a ‘QuaranTeam’ household?
Hello and hope alls well with you & your family. Let’s continue to stay one in prayer.
Whilst we give a shout-out to our medical...
(Wrong) Sign of the Times
Mumbai as it is known today still has the reputation of being the best city in India. But what does that mean? Surely, this...