Laugh till it doesn’t hurt with the Laughters Club!


A day without laughter is surely a day wasted. This holds particularly true for the renowned Laughters Club, near Joggers Park. It opens at 6.30 am every morning, with various exercises and different types of stretches, which has helped numerous people and especially proved beneficial for one of the members, who is truly grateful that she now experiences less pain in her knees.

The members who belong to different faiths then recite a prayer together, asking to be filled with joy and in turn spreading smiles, generously. Like the words of the prayer, they too concentrate on the essence of humanity, through reaching out in love to each other. After praying, a new member is greeted by an interesting blend of laughter and high-fives!

“The Club is a happy home for many of its members”, says Maheshwari, one of the organisers. It has completed 21 years, since its inauguration on 26th January 1999 and the number is still in counting… The birthdays and anniversaries are always celebrated. This makes no one feel left out. Members don’t necessarily stay close but continue to look forward to meeting one another and catching up.

To be a member of the Club, it is absolutely free but attendance is important. Once you regularly attend for a period of 3 months, you are eligible to be one of the members.

While interacting with them, an 89-year-old gentleman named Lakhan makes an introduction. He proudly held his own bookstore in his former days. He is the centre of attention in the Club and undoubtedly knows how to make an impression, by lovingly calling out to his wife with the nickname, ”darling”. He shared an almond with me, along with a smile! When he was admitted in hospital earlier, his two strong pillars were his wife and the Club. He would not be as healthy today if it were not for the efforts of his “darling” wife and the Laughters Club.

Later in the morning, the members enjoyed a warm cup of herbal tea. It delighted me to see how they sincerely care for one another. On my way to taking a cup for Lakhan, another gentleman by the name of Manu remarks to check for salt as it could really trouble someone with high blood pressure. In this way, they certainly are like one family.

You will like to know about other events of the Club. It is an opportunity to unveil their moments of happiness, sadness, griefs and have casual conversations. They excitedly share their professional accomplishments and the news about the birth of a new grandchild. The members even find ears to listen to in each another, at their hour of need. However, they ensure to overcome such times together. The Club organises fun picnics to Mahableshwar, etc.

At present, the members are as large as 130-150 people who come every day to create a happier space in their lives. If not, at least a better start to the day. Individuals like the lady who had knee problems or Lakhan, with heart problems, asthma and other respiratory diseases have found quiet and happiness. The Laughters Club is growing in its success of finding a bigger member base as well as spreading joy with others outside. Here, there’s no time for worries or sorrow, just pure joy and togetherness… When are we seeing you?