Sparadise discover the Paradise for Spa


Body massage calms you down, improves blood circulation, flexibility and reduces stress

Caught up in the busy life of Mumbai, we often get immersed in the monotonous daily routine of a fast paced lifestyle. Running around all the while, working for 9 hours at a stretch and juggling time between work and household chores sometimes there is no moment for rest and relaxation. Our body that runs like a machine 24×7 sometimes needs rest and a bit of brushing up before it withers away.

And what can be more soothing than a perfect body massage? What else can energise and revitalise your draining energy than a perfect head to toe Thai Massage? Straight from the land of massage expertise, Thailand, comes the elegant Spa centre in Bandra called ‘Sparadise’.

A feeling of extreme calmness, the ambience transcending peace and the spacious arena respecting the privacy of every individual, the moment you enter Sparadise all the above will grab your attention and make you love the place. And the encounter doesn’t end over there; the well trained, certified, welcoming and caring staff who are originally from Thailand and few from North East itself will make you feel at home by catering to your need.

Our body has a number of pressure points and the therapists at Sparadise will tap each one of the points in the body and foot massage service that they provide. So, there are 6 chair arenas for foot massage and 6 lavish spacious rooms for body massage. Each room has an individual shower cubicle and steam facility with the best quality facilities so that you do not have to go to another common shower room. And there is both hot and cold water facility available without any additional charge. The owner of Sparadise, Awon, says, “Often, in Spas customers have to wait for their turn for a shower due to common bathrooms. Therefore we have individual bathrooms so that there is no inconvenience to our customer.”

Each individual is different and so is the body of every individual! Sparadise completely understands this and advises their customers with the specific kind of massage. She says, “People walk in our Spa with different problems like back ache, head ache, fatigue, thigh pain, chest pain, joint pain or psychological problems like frustration, stress, exhaustion. We then converse with them and provide the most suitable form of massage.” And it holds true as there are different types of massage of which the few basic ones like Aroma Therapy, Medium Swedish and Deep Tissue massage vary according to the need of the customer.

Well, Facials, Body scrubs, Body wraps and Foot massage facilities serve as added advantage at Sparadise to groom yourself better. Awon believes, “Body massage on a regular basis helps to improve blood circulation, flexibility and enhance the muscles and joints. It resolves stress, tiredness and calms the entire mental state to experience peace and serenity.”

The whole Spa has a distinct aura of calmness and peace as there are dim lights all over the place and soothing music playing in the background to de stress your troubled mind. The therapists have a unique tender touch and function according to the need of the customer. They constantly keep checking if the pressure applied is perfect and concentrate on areas where the customer experiences pain. Awon claims, “We aim to give the best service at Sparadise hence we have focused on maintaining spacious body massage room, equipments, service and the entire staff is trained in Thai body and foot massage. People of Thailand have a different skill and touch therefore we recruit our entire staff from there.”

With people from near and far coming to both the outlets of Sparadise- one at Turner Road and the other at Linking Road- Awon feels that Body Spa is much needed for the current lifestyle. Moreover, everything at Sparadise is neat and clean. The towels, clothing, bed sheets and pillow covers are replaced constantly. All of the services and therapists are strictly professional and do not encourage unprofessional behaviour. The room service does not indicate unprofessional smacks of cheapness. Sparadise Spa believes in the rejuvenation of the soul for which one of the elements-Hygiene- is of utmost importance. Sparadise is well kept, well maintained and spic and span.

And the body massage is phenomenal. The therapist gently massages every part of your body starting from your back, neck, legs hands, chest, stomach and finally the head. The head massage is the most pleasing experience as it relaxes your entire being and you feel as if you are actually in a green quiet place in Thailand. That’s the magic of Thai Spa at Sparadise!

So, if you are still running in your everyday life, just pause and take a break; wait for a moment and step in at Sparadise to experience the beauty of relaxation. Refresh your entire being and live the calmness provided at Sparadise. “Unless you go for a Spa you won’t understand the power and effect it has,” concludes Awon.

– Ronald Rodrigues